Bunker is an ongoing RPG zine project made in collaboration with writer Matthew Kopel. The world of Bunker is inspired by our common fear of climate catastrophe, and by our shared hope for a heavy metal environmentalist utopia: an utopia populated by earth witches and druid circles, by lordless knights who pledge to serve the woods, by smiths crafting reclaimed plastics and e-waste into magical armor. There are also a bunch of monsters and fantasy characters hanging out with, riding, and high fiving bears. Lots and lots of bears.
The forces of evil in BUNKER are inspired by the facts of man-made climate disaster: habitat destruction, mass extinction, hubris, and greed. Rivers of necromantic goo erupt from the fractured earth. Trans-planar baddies arrive, lured to the Earth to feed on magic like so many extraction capitalists unearthing a new vein of coal. They coerce and deceive their servants to exploit the fragile balance of a still-recovering world for access to powerful dark magic.
In BUNKER #1, the adventure begins in a small town called THE MOUNDS, where civilization has begun to rebound from cataclysm but awareness of the greater earth is still a mystery. The growing settlement, surrounded by the eight huge grassy bulges, teeters toward civic advancement and progress, ignorant of the strange secrets that lay dormant beneath their feet.
55 pages of player-tested, DM-approved adventure. 7 hours of average playthrough time.
In BUNKER #2, the mysterious Lord Ulstomb has coaxed the party to explore a strange underground structure, with promises of treasure and prosperity for the town on success, and a veiled threat in the case of failure. Encountering horrific mutations, gross opulence, and dark magical powers, the party must find their way through this strange Bunker, unravel its mysteries, and hopefully not die trying.
56 pages of player-tested, DM-approved adventure. 8 hours of average playthrough time.
Bunker #1 and #2 are currently available at the following fine purveyors of fantasy mayhem:
Exalted Funeral (print + PDF)
itch.io (PDF only)
DriveThruRPG (PDF only)
Bunker is made possible by our incredible community on Kickstarter.